Reduce Weight Fast And Lose Fat Forever

So you've tried dieting to reduce weight. You've also popped all kinds of weight reducing pills you can get your hands on. To your delight your effort seemed to work as you begin to lose body fat steadily. Then one day, before you reach your desired weight, you begin to notice that your weight seemed to stay the same even though you're still on the diet and popping those weight reducing slimming pills. To your horror, you discover that the weight you had lost is beginning to pile up once again. Instead of reducing weight, you're now gaining weight. Sounds familiar?

What happened? Simply put, slimming pills and fad diets are only short term strategy to reduce weight and keeping body fat at bay. To reduce weight and lose fat forever, your caloric expenditure must surpass your caloric consumption. Aren’t you doing that in your diet? Yes you're. But when you are on a diet, you vitality hungry and your body will serious to your brain to conserve fat for energy because your body is built with a mechanism to conserve fat during famine and it won't know whether it's famine season or that you're on a diet. In this instance, your body will consume your muscle for energy rather than your body fat and this spells trouble because your muscle is a great calorie gobbler. So with less muscle, your fat burning capability grinds to a screeching halt.

What about those weight reducing pills you're taking? If you're popping appetite curb pills, your body will react like you're on a diet, so the same thing happened. What about pills that help to increase metabolism or reducing starch intake? Sure, they'll help to burn a few calories or restrict some calories from turning into body fat, but are enough calories burnt or restricted to reduce weight permanently or are you going to take those unhealthy weight reduction pills forever? Obviously not, isn’t it?

To reduce weight and lose fat forever, we need to do 3 things.

Cardio exercises

Do cardio exercises at 65 - 85% of your maximum heart rate to burn tons of calories

Lift weight

Train with weights to grow beef or at least prevent muscle loss. The another muscle you've, the extended will be your natural fat burning capability. You'll fire fat even when sleeping. Put differently, you lose fat permanently.

Eat small frequent meals

This will signal to your brain that food is in abundance and that your body need not conserve fat in circumstances of famine. So eat 5 - 6 meals at 3 hourly intervals. However, do make sure that your meals are small and that your caloric intake don't surpass your caloric expenditure.

When you incorporate these 3 elements into your lifestyle, you will not only reduce weight and lose body fat, you'll also keep the weight from creeping back. That means, you'll reduce weight and able to maintain your ideal weight forever.

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