Diseases That Can Make You Fat

If you have been trying to lose weight for a long time now, have followed good diet guidelines and exercise habits, and you still haven’t dropped a pound; there is a chance the weight is caused by disease or other health issues. For years now, there has been a general consensus that glandular problems are just an bring out for weight gain.

Why does everyone assume that weight gain is all about bad eating habits? Sometimes weight gain has nothing to do with what you’re eating but has everything to do with what is going on inside you. If you have an underlying condition, it may not matter what you do to lose weight - you’ll be stuck.

1. The number one cause of rapid weight gain is hypothyroidism. The thyroid is the gland that controls your metabolism. If it stops forcible thyroxine or doesn’t produce enough of it, you will gain weight very quickly. It isn’t just weight gain that you should worry about. An under active thyroid can damage your entire body and your brain. If you have dry skin and hair, are always cold, feel tired all the time, suffer from constipation and you are experiencing weight gain, get yourself checked for hypothyroidism.

2. Insulin resistance can cause you to gain weight or slow down your progress in losing weight. If you have any impetus to believe you might be stalwart to insulin, talk to your doctor and see if they can recommend someone to help you. There are strategies to help you.

3. Hormonal changes can cause you to gain weight and make it difficult for you to lose weight. All manner of hormones can cause it, but this is a problem that usually affects women. If you are close to the age for menopause or are experiencing symptoms in your reproductive organs, get in touch with your gynecologist.

4. Are you worried about something? Is your life too hectic? What has been happening in your life in the last year? Stress can cause you to gain weight in two different ways: Overeating caused by misgiving or an overabundance of cortisol. When you are stressed out, Cortisol production increases. This substance causes your body to hold on to fat especially belly fat.

5. Depression can cause you to gain weight or stay at the same weight, too. When you are depressed, your entire system feels it. When you feel down in the mind, your body joins the party. Not only does your metabolism slow down, but your appetite may even increase.

Before you decide to stop eating altogether and run ten miles a day, see a doctor and ask to be screened for rasher of the above health issues. Your personal physician can even refer you to a psychologist if they believe your problem could be stress or depression. Weight gain caused by disease doesn’t have to keep at a problem. If your weight gain is caused by disease, ergo treating the infection will fix the problem.

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