The Medifast Diet For Weight Loss

Can you really lose 20lb of weight in 30 days? And continue to shed weight weekly after that until you reach the size that you crave to be? The Medifast Diet claims you can! Make no mistake about this it's quite drastic. You will need to give up whole food groups for quite a long time and live on Medifast's meal replacements plus 1 proper meal a day. And before you get all excited about the proper meal, I have to tell you it's got to be meat and 3 types of vegetables and nothing else. Quite a lot of meat, though around 7 oz so you shouldn't be hungry. I'd eat that one in the evening, if I were you, discrepant you'll probably be tempted to eat the budgie by bedtime. But if you have 50 lb or more to lose and are totally disheartened by sweeping yo-yo dieting losing a bit of weight only to see it creep inexorably back on again and bring its friends the Medifast Diet could be the one for you. And it's not as drastic as gastric surgery.

Phase 1

This is the major weight loss phase, and is referred to as the 5 + 1 phase, because you eat 5 Medifast meal replacements per day and 1 lean and green meal as mentioned above. These meal replacements range from oatmeal, soups, shakes and bars, and are fortified with vitamins and minerals. From what I've read about how they taste, don't expect gourmet! However, most people say they are OK, with the chocolate flavor shake being the most popular by far. Make no mistake, willpower is required to stick to this regime, and it's not cheap, but it takes all the guesswork and the agonizing choice making out of dieting and there's no messing about having to weigh and measure ingredients, which is a boon for occupied people. And seeing the weight fall off is a great motivator!

Phase 2

This is called Transition and you graduate to this when you have reached your target weight – Well Done! At this course you start adding more informal foods back into your life over a period of 1–3 months, depending on how much weight you've lost. This is done gradually so you won't go crazy and pile all those pounds back on again. And you are encouraged to start exercising. No, don't groan you know you have to if you want to perpetuate the weight loss and feel good. And you want to stay slim and feel good, don't you?

Phase 3

The Maintenance phase. Most Medifast meals are now replaced with healthy, fresh foods in sensible portion sizes. By now, your taste buds will have been retrained and your bad food cravings should have vanished. That's the theory, anyway. And it's true that we are all creatures of habit, and it's always possible to follow unhealthy habits with good ones. That's not to say you can't have a burger for the rest of your life far from it. Just make it an rare one. Preferably home made and served in granary bread with lots of salad, no fries and a glass of fresh juice! The Medifast website has tons of information and free downloads that give you loads of good advice and motivate you through every phase of your dieting I was impressed by the step by turn approach. There's even a 12 week exercise program, to help you walk your way to a fitter, healthier lifestyle. And if you stick to the diet, it'll work for you. And it's far less unpleasant than gastric surgery!

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