The Latest & Greatest Weight Loss Diet Pill

Weight Loss Diet PillI was thinking back in time to when Hoodia Gordonii first made an impression on me. I remember it clearly. One of my nearest and dearest had just announced her pending nuptials that year. Fantastic! Even more intriguing is the fact that one of my long ago exes is a friend of a friend of a friend of a cousin of a friend of the groom and is going to be there. I'm happy with my current relationship, but I think deep down, we all like to stick it to an old fling that did us wrong. I was thinking I had one last chance to kick it to him and show up in nothing but a shower of fabulousness.

Good thing is, I had some time on my hands to prepare for the extravaganza. The only thing though, I didn't quite know how that was going to happen yet. But I kept hearing about this Hoodia that was being touted as the be all and end all for anyone with a weight loss engrossment. As usual, my skepticism was winning this battle, I figured I would check this out and see what the Hoodia Hoopla was all about. Best case scenario, I would bargain a product that works and be in top fabulous form for the wedding. Worst case, I would have some appropriate experience with a product that was getting a lot of attention. This experience is inestimable when you see about my employment as a fitness consultant / personal trainer. Looked like a win-win for me.

Think back to November 21, 2004. Ring a bell? No, me neither. However apparently this is the day that Hoodia discovered America. CBS 60 Minutes ran a segment on the Hoodia Gordonii plant and its astounding effects on weight loss. People were referring to it as the greatest breakthrough of the decade. Does anyone realize the decade's not over yet? At any rate. My first thought was, huh! If 60 minutes is touting it, there must be something to it. I kept reading. Not just 60 minutes, but the Today Show and the BBC were jumping on this weight loss bandwagon. All very reputable news streams. So what is this Hoodia Gordonii?

The Hoodia Gordonii is a plant that hails from the African Kalahari desert, a accommodate that is home to People called San. They have been using the Hoodia plant for literally centuries. What on earth do people in Africa need a weight loss plant for? Well, it is used for those long hauls and hunting trips across the wild to help them stave off hunger for hours on end. There is the key to Hoodia, it is said to be the most powerful appetite suppressant available without a prescription. My ears were opening a little deeper now? The active and all natural ingredient in the Hoodia Gordonii plant has been proven with clinical trials to actually suppress appetite and reduce overall calories. The ingredient has been studied in South Africa for over 30 years by the CSIR? Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. 30 years they have been sitting on this secret!! The plant grows only in extremely high temperatures, takes years to come to full maturity, and only grows in South Africa. Remember that, because it will be important later on.

When the South African research team examined it, they found a molecule they eventually termed the P57 molecule. It is this molecule that creates the astounding appetite control effects and is only found in the Hoodia plant. The molecule when consumed has zero side effects and it essentially tricks your brain into thinking that you are full. At this point, the license for the molecule was sold to Phytopharm, who followed with selling the reinforcing of the product to Pfizer Organization. Now things are starting to sound familiar.

According to Pfizer, here is the magic of the P57. We all have a control center in the brain, it's called the hypothalamus that detects glucose levels in our blood. When we eat, blood glucose levels go up and the hypothalamus senses that we are full. The Hoodia Gordonii P57 molecule works about 10, 000 times faster than glucose, so it sends immediate signals to the brain that you are full. Whether you have eaten or not, the P57 is telling your brain that you are not hungry. Pfizer didn't just explain that, they confirmed it in research trials. The first trial was an unprepossessing trial on rats, a species known to eat just about anything. In this trial, once they received the Hoodia Gordonii, the rats stopped eating all together. The first human trial was then conducted by Brown University Medical School on a group of morbidly obese. They were allowed to only eat, read, or watch TV. Half of them got Hoodia, the other half a placebo. After fifteen days, the Hoodia Gordonii group saw a reduction in calorie intake by about 1000 calories a day.

Then I read a testimonial from the BBC reporter, who actually went to Africa to try it himself. He ate the plant directly from the source, and went about 24 hours without any food at all, or any desire to eat period. He also described a nice side effect of an overall good feeling following consumption, a kind of aphrodisiac sense. So far, I like what I am hearing about Hoodia Gordonii.

Ok, I know we all want a cheap fast way to lose weight, but you know what? If you are trying out product after product to lose weight, you've already spent the cost of Hoodia Gordonii a few times over.

After my research, I tried Hoodia Gordonii and it worked extravagant? Just as described. Fast forward to a more present time. I put nearly a dozen of my fitness clients on Hoodia Gordonii. So far so good!

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